Multiplicity of narrative structures

By Lyle Skains

Despite hundreds of thousands of years of narrative evolution, modern narrative has gotten "fixed" in the last few hundred years (thanks to technology). Digital tech's "democratizing" affordances (however problematic the actualization of that democracy may be) bring us back to a multiplicity of narrative, outside a dominant Western, white, and masculine formula. With the increase in oral-like stories online, fan fiction, re-mixes, and the rise in acceptance and amplification of storytellers from outside the hegemony, our mainstream narratives are FINALLY going to see some evolution after quite some time stuck in the muck.

Narratives will become more archontic (as fan fiction is), building on one another in shared and crossover storyworlds. The structures will drift from Aristotelian, as more Eastern and feminine structures gain prominence. I'm still exploring what all the implications are, but it's really exciting! I hope we don't all blow up before it happens.

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